
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Twomey or not Twomey?

That is the question?

Last October Pope Benedict awarded Fr. Twomey the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice medal for outstanding services rendered to the Church and to the Holy Father.

Now the new papal Nuncio to Ireland, Archbishop Brown, is contemplating the appointment of new Bishops to fill some of the vacant Irish sees.

Does all this add up to Fr. Vincent in the running for Bishop.

Only time, and the views of the Lord's Vicar on Earth, will tell.

Stay tuned.



  1. I see that Atheist Ireland have got Hibernia College to remove some sections on Atheism from their religion module prepared by Vincent Twomey.

    Existing text states:

    “Atheism seems to be fashionable in Ireland at present. It is seen as rational, progressive and compassionate. But above all, it is ‘in’, not to mention convenient since, as Dostoevsky said in 19th century Russia, where it was likewise ‘in’, that if there is no God then anything can be justified.”


    “What bothers very few of its latter-day exponents is the fact that atheist humanism produced the worst horrors history has ever witnessed, namely Nazism, fascism and Marxism, the latter alone responsible for some 100 million lives, according to The Black Book written by French ex-Marxists. Atheism is not a benign force in history.”

    I'm afraid that religion has not been a benign force in history either, though I would not be an expert on the body count.


  2. Either I have been dozing my way through the last few weeks, despite all the clerical turbulence, or Fr. Twomey has gone very quiet.

    I am very surprised that he has not been in the vanguard of the Vatican Storm Troupers exterminating those pesky dissident clerics.

    Is he perhaps in line for a greater and more permanent role in the Empire of the Son?


  3. Liturgy Conference Follows up on Dublin Event

    The first conference was given by Professor Vincent Twomey SVD, whose paper was titled "Rubrics and Ritual: the Letter v. the Spirit." He stated that "influenced by the post-Enlightenment culture, the Liturgical Movement from the 18th century on stressed the intelligibility of the liturgy. Unsurprisingly, the initial reform of the liturgy after the Council also stressed intelligibly."


    Are we to take it then that Fr. Twomey has no time for the new translation of the Missal which harks back to theological hairsplitting and Latin syntax and phraseology?

